Contact US

On the off chance that you have an inquiry to put to our specialists here at Can Pets Eat, at that point this is the page for you. Here you can contact our scholars, analysts and editors and talk put your inquiry to them. In any case, they're exceptionally bustling individuals, so before you connect please check the rules beneath. This is a short FAQ that may have the capacity to answer your inquiry before you submit.

Promoting: We're generally glad to consider publicizing openings. In the event that you need to talk about setting some supported posts or flags on the Can Pets Eat site at that point reach us and ask away. In any case, kindly don't get in touch with us with offers of partners. We search for these ourselves and attempt to just work with organizations we like and trust. We have gotten offers from offshoot directors some time recently, and keeping in mind that we welcome it, we're quite recently not intrigued.

Question for Site: If you have an inquiry that you might want to show up on Can Pets Eat, at that point get in touch with us and select the fitting alternative. We are upbeat to consider addresses and to work out the appropriate response. In any case, we can not react to all inquiries in this way, so we can't make any guarantees.

Composing for us: If you might want to join the group at that point please utilize the Write For Us page. The contact shape beneath goes to a better place than the Write For Us frame. The last additionally has rules that we require you to take after and in the event that you submit through here it implies you haven't tailed them, which is the reason all composition entries sent through this contact page are disregarded.

Issues: If you see an issue with the site at that point kindly do tell us. We have endeavored to get this site to the level it is right now at. A great deal of substance has been distributed in a brief span and that can make a couple of errors and glitches sneak past the net. Along these lines, we would value some help!