Privacy Policy

Your assent

What data do we gather and why?

How we secure your data

Ensuring your security

Articulation on the utilization of Personal Data


Access Rights

Terms and conditions

Pets at Home Limited is focused on ensuring and regarding your security. This arrangement (together with our Terms and Conditions and some other records alluded to in it) sets out the premise on which any individual information we gather from you, or that you give to us, will be handled by us. Kindly read the accompanying precisely to comprehend our perspectives and works on with respect to your own information and how we will treat it.

For the reasons for the Data Protection Act 1998 (the "Demonstration"), the information controller is Pets at Home Limited of Epsom Avenue, Stanley Green Trading Estate, Handforth, Cheshire SK9 3RN.

Your assent

By utilizing our Website, you comprehend and concur that individual data you give through the Website will be hung on a database made and worked by us, our gathering of organizations and additionally other chose outsiders.

What data do we gather and why?

When you make a buy in store or on the web, join to our VIP Club or enter a prize draw/rivalry, you will be requested some fundamental data including your title, first name, surname, postal address, email address, phone and if appropriate installment data. These are gathered to help us:

Process your online requests including sending request affirmation and conveyance data by means of email;

Get in touch with you about your request, record or credit status where required;

Convey sheltered and secure shopping by anticipating and identify misrepresentation. We may need to reveal data to help lawful or obligation recuperation forms;

Accelerate your shape filling forms in the event that you've enrolled on the web;

Comprehend your requirements and tune in to your input by means of statistical surveying/shopping investigation, client surveys and reviews;

Improve your shopping background by conveying an all the more actually custom fitted offer;

React to any issues or inquiries by means of the client benefit guide groups; as well as

Advise you about changes to our administration.

We will likewise consequently gather information, for example, dates and times of your visits to the Website.

When you utilize our site as a Guest client, we likewise gather your email address and may get in touch with you to fill you in as to whether you forsake a buy part route through the procedure and have unpurchased things in your bushel.

How we ensure your data

We attempt to ensure your data by:

Encoding your own data. When you put in a request or access your record data, your data will be sent through to us. A protected server encodes the greater part of the data you contribution before it is sent to us. This secures your secret information, especially your Visa subtle elements from unapproved utilize;

Staying up with the latest and precise. If it's not too much trouble take note of that, to do this, we expect you to let us know whether any of your points of interest, for example, your name or address change;and

Having set up strict security systems for the capacity and exposure of your data to forestall unapproved get to.

Lamentably, the transmission of data by means of the Internet isn't totally secure. Athough we will do our best to ensure your own information, we can't ensure the security of your information transmitted to or potentially through the Website; any transmission is at your own hazard. When we have gotten your data, we will utilize strict methods and security highlights to attempt to avoid unapproved get to.

Ensuring your security

To guarantee that your credit, charge or charge card isn't being utilized without your assent, we will approve name, address and other individual data provided by you amid the request procedure against fitting outsider databases. By tolerating these terms and conditions you agree to these checks being made. In playing out these checks individual data gave by you might be unveiled to an enrolled Credit Reference Agency which may keep a record of that data. You can rest guaranteed this is done just to affirm your personality, that a credit check isn't performed and that your FICO score will be unaffected. All data gave by you will be dealt with safely and entirely as per the Act.

Articulation on the utilization and divulgence of Personal Data

We may send you by sms, email or post, points of interest on offers, items, updates and administrations which might hold any importance with you. We may likewise phone you to talk about request points of interest or for market or administration look into.

We may likewise allow chose outsiders to utilize your information to furnish you with data about products and enterprises which might hold any importance with you and they may get in touch with you about these by post or phone. They may likewise reach you by email or SMS where you have agreed to accepting such correspondences.

We may screen or record phone calls to guarantee our quality measures are kept up and for extortion counteractive action purposes.

We may reveal your own data to any individual from the Pets at Home Limited gathering (our gathering organizations and our philanthropy, Support Adoption For Pets), and furthermore to subsidiary organizations and other chose outsiders for the reasons portrayed previously..

We may uncover your own data to outsiders:

To process your online requests, including sending request affirmation and conveyance data by email;

If we offer or purchase any business or resources, in which case we may uncover your own information to the forthcoming dealer or purchaser of such business or resources;

On the off chance that Pets at Home Limited or generously the majority of its advantages are obtained by an outsider, in which case individual information held by it about its clients will be one of the exchanged resources; or

On the off chance that we are under an obligation to unveil or share your own information so as to follow any lawful commitment, or keeping in mind the end goal to uphold or apply our Terms and Conditions or understandings or contracts between us or to secure the rights, property, or wellbeing of Pets at Home Limited, our clients, or others. This incorporates trading data with different organizations and associations for the reasons for misrepresentation assurance, credit hazard decrease and our interal examinations including client grumblings and cases.

Your rights

You have the privilege to request that us not process your own information for advertising purposes. We will advise you (before gathering your information) in the event that we expect to utilize your information for such purposes. You can practice your entitlement to avoid such handling by checking certain containers on the structures we use to gather your information, for instance, the request shape. You can likewise practice your privilege not to get promoting data whenever by tapping the connection on the base of each email or reaching our client benefit group on 0800 328 4204.

The Website may, every once in a while, contain connections to and from the sites of our accomplice systems, sponsors and associates. In the event that you take after a connection to any of these sites, please take note of that these sites have their own particular protection approaches and that we don't acknowledge any obligation or risk for these strategies. It would be ideal if you check these strategies previously you present any individual information to these sites.


All together that we can screen and enhance the Website, we may assemble certain data about you when you utilize it, including subtle elements of your area name and IP (Internet Provider) address, working framework and program.

A treat is a component of information that a site can send to your program, which may then store it on the hard drive of your PC. Treats enable us to comprehend who has seen which pages and notices on the Website and to make the Website more easy to understand by, for instance, enabling us to spare your Website watchword so you don't need to re-enter it each time you visit. We utilize treats with the goal that we can give you a superior ordeal when you come back to the Website.

Treats are utilized to empower you to enroll and sign on to the Website and make buys and store things in your wicker container while on the Website. It would be ideal if you note, if your program is set to dismiss treats, at that point, tragically you won't have the capacity to shop on the web. Most web programs naturally acknowledge treats. You don't need to acknowledge treats and you should read the data that accompanied your program programming to perceive how you can set up your program to advise you when you get a treat. This will give you the chance to choose whether to acknowledge it or not. We may likewise utilize treats to give you redid data from the Website.

Access Rights

You have a privilege to get to the individual information about you that is held by us. To get a duplicate of the individual data we hold about you, please keep in touch with us at the accompanying location: Pets At Home Limited, Epsom Avenue, Stanley Green Trading Estate, Handforth, Cheshire SK9 3RN, encasing your postal subtle elements and a check for £10 payable to Pets at Home Limited to meet our expenses in giving you points of interest of the data we hold about you.