10 Reasons Why Sugar Gliders Should Not Be Kept as Pets

This article is for those of you who are thinking about getting a sugar lightweight flyer or know somebody who has one as a pet. Be that as it may, these creatures are not pets and, tragically, are not treated well by individuals who keep them as pets.

What Is a Sugar Glider? 

Sugar lightweight flyers are little marsupial creatures local to Australia, Indonesia, and the encompassing zones.

  • They are nighttime—they rest amid the day and turn out to be exceptionally dynamic during the evening. 

  • These creatures are exceptionally amiable and can't be kept alone. 

  • They physically take after a flying squirrel-sort animal. 

  • Sugar lightweight flyers live for 12-15 years by and large. 

  • While they may look adorable and cuddly, they normally aren't. 

  • They don't have a place with the rat family. 

  • They require pro care, a great deal of room, and don't make great pets for learners or youngsters. 

  • They can bond exceptionally well with people and different lightweight flyers. 

  • They additionally pass by the names Suggie, SG, Glider, and SugarG. 

  • Reasons Why Sugar Gliders Should Not Be Kept as Pets 

1. They Require Specialist Care 

The care of a Suggie is very different than the care of a hamster, a rodent, or even a puppy. They require significantly more space and a fenced in area that is 100% secure and bolted.

Walled in area 

Individuals frequently fabricate indoor aviary-sort enclosures or utilize substantial vivariums that are no less than four feet high and twice as wide. The greater, the better. Obviously, the more lightweight flyers you have, the more space you require.


They require nectar drinks, water, protein, organic product, vegetables, vitamins, supplements, dust, and so forth. As they are not local to the U.K., some of these things are hard to take a few to get back some composure of and can be very costly.

They Need to Be Socialized

You can't keep only them. They should be kept in sets or in little gatherings of a similar sex to forestall rearing. They are exceptionally social creatures and to keep only one is extremely barbarous as it can prompt discouragement, enthusiastic pain, physical ailment, weight reduction, and even an abbreviated life expectancy.


Sugar lightweight flyers can and will probably chomp you, particularly in the beginning times of possession. Their teeth are sharp and can cause a great deal of damage, which implies you ought to be exceptionally watchful and be completely inoculated before owning them. Some of these creatures are foreign and may convey ailment. There is dependably a danger of contamination from nibbles.

They Like a Dark Environment 

They are nighttime and don't prefer to turn out amid the day. Sugar lightweight flyers appreciate being kept in a darker domain. Envision those indoor living spaces you see at the zoo where they keep SGs and flying squirrels. Suggies appreciate covering up away in light hours and in some cases may not be seen by any stretch of the imagination. They will rest amid a large portion of the day and turn out to be extremely dynamic amid the night, which makes it harder for you to play with them. Awakening them amid the day can befuddle them and disturb their hormones.

They Need Special Vets 

You can't take them to a standard vet as most vets are not prepared in this sort of outlandish creature. A standard intriguing creature is a hamster, a snake, a reptile, or a reptile. Sugar lightweight planes are something unique totally.

2. The vast majority Can't Offer Enough Space 

It's a miserable truth that the vast majority can't give these inquisitive little animals with enough space. Sugar lightweight planes are exceptionally dynamic and extremely friendly animals that appreciate climbing, running, bouncing, and, obviously, floating. They are particularly similar to squirrels and require heaps of room.

An extensive rodent or degu confine isn't sufficient. Sugar lightweight flyers ought to be housed in their own territory, ideally one that nearly takes after an aviary with climbing device. While they are not substantial animals, they require the space to get enough exercise and to keep themselves sound.

Since they can't be kept alone, the space ought to be increased per lightweight flyer. Most family units can't offer this immense measure of room.

3. Vets Find It Hard to Treat Them 

Hamsters are classed as fascinating because of their digestion, little size, and trouble of treatment, however suggies are significantly harder to deal with. It takes a particularly prepared vet to manage SGs.

It can be extremely hard to analyze and treat them accurately without causing them genuine misery, hurt, or notwithstanding executing them. You couldn't without much of a stretch take a Suggie to a customary vet that treats mutts, felines, or even guinea pigs, as these vets are regularly not prepared or have been prepared next to no in these creatures. Treatment is additionally exceptionally costly.

Creatures don't react similarly to surgery, anti-microbials, liquid depleting, or skin salve a similar way we do, and it is greatly simple to overdose them, harm them, or cause a terrible response.

Suggies have not been kept as pets for enough years or on a sufficiently typical reason for us to do careful research on appropriate medicines for them. Parasites, insects, and skin issues are extremely normal in these animals, and individuals frequently locate that standard little warm blooded animal salves won't work or will cause negative responses.

4. Many Are Farmed and Bred From Cruelty 

Suggies have turned out to be more mainstream in the recent years, much like dwarf hedgehogs have. Because of the expansion sought after and their generally low populace, their rearing is like the reproducing of family puppies.

Patio raisers will overbreed and inbreed the creatures and offer them for either exceptionally shoddy or extremely costly costs just to profit. They don't give thought or look after the creatures by any stretch of the imagination. Tragically, there is practically no influence over their reproducing. Since they are intriguing pets, it can be much harder for the law to control them.

Overbreeding creatures can bring about serious medical issues and injury to both the male and the female being reproduced. Alongside inbreeding, it can create wiped out creatures with behavioral issues, abbreviated life expectancies, hereditary clutters, mental insecurity, expanded dangers of infections, dwarfism, dead infants, and fruitlessness.

SGs should just be obtained from an authorized, proficient raiser or received from a safe house. There aren't a considerable measure of good raisers around, yet in the event that you truly need to discover one, you should search for the accompanying:

  • proficient site 

  • accessibility to visit them 

  • proficient photos 

  • a raiser who will answer heaps of inquiries 

  • various approaches to contact the raiser 

  • a reproducer who will show you how to look after them and disclose to you what they require 

  • a raiser who will vet you as much as you vet them 

A pretentious reproducer is somebody who will hand sugar lightweight planes off to anybody and asks few or no inquiries. They will likewise appear to be for the most part inspired by cash. You would prefer not to buy from these raisers.

5. The Law 

In a few nations, it is unlawful or just marginal lawful to buy these creatures as pets. They are regularly reared and kept in mercilessness by individuals who surmise that they are popular and who have practically no information about them.

Disregard, manhandle, and mercilessness are for the most part culpable wrongdoings. In the U.K., you will probably be prohibited from keeping creatures and get a powerful fine or a correctional facility sentence. In different nations, the disciplines can be significantly harsher.

In many nations, it is unlawful to import or fare these animals because of laws that ensure against malady, creature importation, and dangers to nature and general wellbeing. SGs are no exemption to these guidelines as they can convey unsafe microscopic organisms and contrarily influence the neighborhood untamed life.

In the U.K., not very many pet shops offer sugar lightweight flyers, and the law does not offer them assurance from cold-bloodedness. This is the reason SGs are frequently sold in dodgy terrace deals by individuals who ought to be accounted for pitilessness yet are not on the grounds that there is an interest for sugar lightweight planes. It is likely that the sugar lightweight plane you buy is an illicit import loaded with ailment. Owning, bringing in, or discharging a SG could prompt genuine punishments.

6. Cost

These creatures can be exceptionally costly to buy and keep. A couple of lightweight flyers can cost somewhere in the range of £400 to £1000, also the cost of care. You can do the exploration on how much their tanks, sustenance, and toys cost, yet as you can envision, dealing with a sugar lightweight flyer can be as costly as nurturing a stallion.

Vet bills for these animals are additionally horrendously costly on the grounds that they need to see a colorful vet who will frequently experience difficulty treating them. They are additionally excluded in protection, so on the off chance that they require surgery or particular treatment, you will pay out-of-stash.

You can't get these creatures "at little to no cost." If they are sold at a low value, it is likely that they are either ingrained or unlawfully foreign made, or the dealer is earnestly endeavoring to dispose of them in light of the fact that there is a major issue with them.

7. Life expectancy 

With legitimate care, these animals can undoubtedly live to be 15 years of age. Truly, 15!

In spite of their life span, these creatures are inclined to push and different complexities.

Their bodies are delicate, and they don't have solid insusceptible frameworks, so keeping a spotless natural surroundings, giving them a sound and appropriate eating routine, giving them standard wellbeing checkups, and taking care of them legitimately are for the most part extremely basic to keeping up their wellbeing.

Ensure you have the cash and an opportunity to give sugar lightweight flyers appropriate administer to 15 years. In the event that you want to re-home or offer them later on, at that point you ought not keep them in any case. They are not to be acquired on drive.

8. Eating routine 

It is difficult to keep up their eating methodologies. As I said above, it can cost a great deal of cash to keep them sound, and they do require particular sustenances.

The main issue vets report is medical problems identified with count calories. Suggies are delicate and should be checked continually for indications of medical issues.

You have to completely look into the right measure of sustenance to give them, how to sustain them accurately, and what they eat. This can be very strenuous and complex.

They require:

  • Creepy crawlies 

  • Foods grown from the ground (essentially vegetables) with a calcium to phosphorus proportion of 2:1 

  • A protein source 

  • A nectar drink 

  • A multivitamin 

  • Acacia gum and honey bee dust 

9. You Won't Be Going on Holiday 

Dissimilar to a pooch or even a rabbit, you can't leave sugar lightweight planes with a neighbor or enroll a companion to watch over them when you leave. Once in a while there are specific experts who will offer assistance while you are gone, however they are uncommon. It is likewise never a smart thought to leave creatures like this with somebody that doesn't have any acquaintance with them all around ok.

Reasons Why They Can't Be Watched by Someone Else:

  • They can't be watched by individuals with no experience. 

  • They require a great deal of consideration. 

  • Medical issues can be difficult to spot to the untrained eye. 

  • Individuals don't encourage them the right measures of sustenance. 

The vast majority would prefer not to set aside the opportunity to plan specific suppers for another person's pets while they are off having a great time in the sun.

10. They Will Relieve Themselves on You 

This is a major issue for some individuals. Suggies keep an eye on crap and urinate on pretty much everything. They are muddled, and they can be malodorous. Bear in mind, they additionally have fragrance organs that they can and will rub on you. I have likewise observed enclosures where they have splattered their crap all over the place.

They are certainly not on the rundown of clean pets. They can likewise transmit illness, particularly Salmonella.


In the event that regardless you need a pet lightweight flyer, ensure you do your examination and get one from a respectable reproducer that will give you a decent quality creature. There is no such thing as a lot of research or arrangement. It's not worth hurrying the procedure and purchasing on drive since covers are loaded with sugar lightweight flyers that need homes, and they are just re-homed to individuals who can offer them what they require.

In truth, these creatures are not pets and ought not be kept as pets. Be that as it may, there is little we can do to prevent individuals from keeping them. The main thing we can do is advocate against deceptive rearing and teach individuals concerning why they ought not be bought and kept as pets.