A Guide to Legally Owning and Caring for a Pet Otter

There are numerous extraordinary pets that individuals fantasize about owning — child penguins, panda bears, mythical beasts — yet they are regularly stunned to hear that a few people can and do legitimately keep intriguing pets like fennec foxes, wild felines, and marmosets. Other zoological creatures, similar to meerkats, raccoon canines, moderate lorises, and pangolins can't be claimed secretly for various reasons, in any event in the United States. Local feathered creatures are likewise governmentally ensured.

Strangely, notwithstanding, otters could be lawfully gotten for private possession.

States Where Pet Otters Are Possibly Legal


North Carolina

New York







South Dakota


Call state natural life authorities to affirm.

Are Otters Legal?

There are a wide number of laws and controls in regards to "colorful" creatures as pets, so an immediate answer can't be given. I can just make instructed surmises as to where they may be lawful because of looking into what isn't lawful. The best way to know without a doubt is contact your state's Department of Agriculture/Fish and Game, and even they some of the time don't have the foggiest idea.

All things considered, most or all states will probably boycott ownership of local otters, and the government Marine Mammal Protection Act firmly secures marine species (ocean otters). Be that as it may, there is one species, the Asian little mauled otter, which could be legitimate in a few states.

On the off chance that a state doesn't deny the ownership of "non-trained carnivores" or the family Mustelidae (of which Asian little pawed otters are a part), and it doesn't have a horrendous rundown of "non-managed" species that are viewed as unlawful, at that point these otters may be legitimate! However, regardless of the possibility that this is the situation, keeping them as a pet will be disheartened by creature control and the Department of Health.

Hazy Laws and Regulations Regarding Otters as Pets

All states have bans on in any event some fascinating pets, even expresses that are infamous for having careless pet laws. For example, in Nevada, lions and elephants are in fact lawful to possess however not 3-pound fennec foxes. Most states make their laws for specific creatures hazy and otters could be directed under a few laws when it shows up they are legitimate under another law. For instance, most states have bans on enormous felines, primates, and bears, yet in states that permit all the more astounding species as pets, the greater part of areas and towns don't permit it.

Where to Find a Pet Otter?

On the off chance that despite everything you need to possess this sea-going animal, the greatest snag you will confront is this: where would you be able to discover one?

They are greatly exceptional, and you would likely need to contact a specialist who can find a reproducer or import one. The last choice might be morally flawed given the species' powerless status in the wild, and representatives are probably not going to reveal to you where the creatures are gotten (which is standard in the business). I've sporadically observed them offered available to be purchased on exoticanimalsforsale.net previously, however not for some time.

Actualities About the Asian Small-Clawed Otter

They are the littlest otter species on the planet.

They live in freshwater wetlands and mangrove overwhelms in Southern Asia.

They are recorded as helpless on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

In the wild, they eat for the most part spineless creatures and once in a while frogs.

Living space demolition, chasing, and contamination debilitate their preservation.

Do Asian Otters Make Good Pets?

What is a decent pet? I tend to express that there's no such thing as a decent or terrible pet — it relies upon what you're searching for in a creature. Be that as it may, Asian little ripped at otters, in spite of being the otter species most appropriate for bondage, are not ordinarily kept, even in the extraordinary pet-keeping group.

They are thought to be high-upkeep, as you would envision. It requires a huge measure of investment, exertion, tolerance, and experience to house them, give them enhancement, and keep them sheltered and secure. Regardless of the amount you fantasize about them, you should acknowledge the way that they are not house pets. Otters are not ferrets; they are not creatures that ought to be kept with the expectation of nestling it.

I can't prescribe any otter species as an individual "pet," in spite of the fact that a couple have kept up a solid bond with their handler their whole life.

— Ken's Exotics

Step by step instructions to Care for Otters as Pets

On the off chance that you have figured out how to procure an otter, please ensure you know how to tend to it appropriately and that you are focused on keeping it for the sum of its lifetime. The following is an essential care manage.


Hostage otters require confining. No, you don't need an enormous zoo nook with a characteristic lake (in spite of the fact that it wouldn't do any harm), however lodging Asian little mauled otters will in any case exhibit a test for the normal individual or even a progressed colorful pet guardian. The enclosure ought to have an OK estimate that enables the creature sufficient space to exercise and manufacture. Rather than refering to particular sizes, I would prescribe just envisioning what you would regard a worthy length and width for an exceptionally fiery and lively meat eater that will spend most, if not all, of its life in the fenced in area. In such a case, the normal canine run won't cut it.

The way that these otters require a tropical atmosphere might be the reason they have a tendency to be kept for the most part by zoo experts. You should give a warmed range to them when temperatures dip under 50°F. The perfect temperature for their pool is 75-85°F, however they likewise require a dry zone in light of the fact that on the off chance that they are wet constantly, they can create medical problems. Contingent upon the size, the pen ought to give no less than 30% water. Otters do climb, adding to the many-sided quality of the living space, so a best is required. Fencing needs to stretch out in-ground since they can likewise uncover.

In synopsis:

Pen ought to be outside.

Pen ought to have a best and fencing needs to stretch out in-ground.

On the off chance that you don't live in a warm atmosphere, supplementary warmth is essential for land and water.

Pool should make up around 30% of the walled in area.

There ought to be a dry territory.

There ought to be dug out logs, apropos put bushes and trees, and different pen furniture that will make the space all the more intriguing.

Eating regimen

An otter's eating regimen can differ in bondage. They are carnivores with a high metabolic rate, expecting them to devour 20% of their body weight every day.

The base can comprise of nutritiously entire feline sustenance.

70-80% of the eating routine can be meat-based and can comprise of day-old chicks, chicken, venison, rabbit, and so on.

20-30% ought to be angle.

Vegetables, creepy crawlies, crawfish, monkey nuts, delicate bubbled eggs, and so on can likewise be offered to supplement the eating regimen. This can be bolstered sporadically with a "dissipate" strategy to avoid stereotypic conduct — something that happens when certain creatures are encouraged at particular circumstances.

This is just an exceptionally disentangled prologue to encouraging. More data can be found by alluding to the Asian Small-Clawed Otter Husbandry Manual.

Living With an Otter

Otters are typically kept outside on the grounds that they radiate a scent. They spread their droppings, which they deliver continually to stamp their region.


Otters and most fascinating pets dislike to be controlled, particularly with outsiders. Individuals who get a kick out of the chance to physically connect with their pets will be frustrated. When you see adorable infant otters collaborating with their guardians —, for example, those in the recordings here — recall that these are regularly mingled babies that have not yet experienced development.

In any case, otters are friendly, engaging little animals, as you would anticipate from their notoriety. You can find numerous prominent recordings of them interfacing with their overseers in courses other than coordinate contact.


It is critical that you give assorted advancement to otters — and all creatures so far as that is concerned. A few thoughts include:

Stop nourishment in ice solid shapes on a hot day.

Take quills specifically from the flying creature so the aroma is available, and scramble them in different spots.

Place nourishment distant so the creature needs to work out how to get it down.

There are likewise numerous nourishment apportioning gadgets accessible for canines and felines that must be controlled to administer treats. These toys are fantastic for species that chase and manufacture.

An Alternative to an Otter

Trained minks are really semi-amphibian and significantly more promptly accessible, if legitimate. In any case, similar to all mustelids that aren't trained ferrets, they are additionally testing to keep, and will require huge walled in areas and broad enhancement. Likewise, as indicated by mink master Joseph Carter, their nibbles can cause extreme damage, in spite of the fact that this is likely not more awful than anything an otter chomp can incur.

At that point there are, obviously, ferrets. On the off chance that you like creatures you can snuggle, ferrets are prominent tamed pets and can be a fine substitute for their bigger and oceanic dark colored cousins.