Best Pet Snake Species for Children and Beginners

Do Snakes Make Good Pets For Children?

The appropriate response truly relies upon the accompanying three things:

What sort of pet your kid needs

The sort of relationship your tyke needs with their pet (clearly a pet snake wouldn't welcome you home each day with a warm welcome)

The types of snake

There are positively a great deal of advantages to keeping a pet snake for grown-ups and youngsters alike - right off the bat, wind keeping isn't tedious - in reality the species recorded in this article require next to no object giving their underlying set up is right.

Corn Snakes


This types of snake is generally little and thin with a normal length of around 24 to 72 inches (61 to 182 cm). They are generally orange or dim yellow in shading and as a rule have dark edged red blotches down their backs. Their paunches have a checkerboard-like appearance with highly contrasting imprints.

Corn snakes are typically dynamic amid the day and rest around evening time. Wild corn snakes are known to be great climbers and will even figure out how to get up little trees, so giving rocks and logs is an extraordinary method to keep your corn wind glad while he is in his tank/vivarium.

Since these snakes are not venomous or forceful they are a standout amongst the most well known pet snakes and are anything but difficult to look after, handle and nourish. They make awesome pets for individuals who don't have much time to devote to their pet and furthermore for tenderfoots/youngsters.

Life expectancy:

The normal life expectancy of a corn wind is around 6 years in the wild - however up to 23 years while being watched over as a pet! This implies getting a corn wind is a long haul duty and you might need to consider re homing one that is as of now a couple of years old.


For the most part corn snakes are tentative, yet can without much of a stretch wind up plainly used to being dealt with and will slither here and there individuals joyfully - they more often than not have great dispositions and it isn't in their inclination to chomp. It is important that any snake will turn out to be awful tempered and will probably chomp on the off chance that it is cool or hungry - so to keep the upbeat pet-proprietor relationship alive you should guarantee you have the right warming, lodging and nourishment accessible for your snake.


Most hostage corn snakes will eat a little mouse once every couple of days, however the correct size of the mouse depends completely on the span of your corn wind. In the wake of being nourished, a corn snake can wind up noticeably unwell or upset if took care of too early and proprietors are encouraged to give the snake a day or so to process the mouse.

Lord Snakes

There are distinctive kinds of lord wind and inside these subspecies there are a colossal assortment of hues to look over including pale skinned people and uncommon shading transforms that are not found in nature. A great many people think about the tri-shaded red lord wind as a standout amongst the most normally kept kind of ruler wind, yet there are numerous more hues accessible.

The tri-shaded ruler snakes can now and again be confused for coral snakes, which are venomous and not prompted as pet snakes. Coral snakes have a similar three hues show on their bodies in the same ringed appearance as well - yet in an alternate request. On the off chance that you see a coral snake you will take note of the ring request is red, yellow, dark, yellow, red. A ruler snake's shading request is red, dark, yellow.

A short rhyme was made to enable individuals to recall;

"Red to yellow - slaughter a kindred, red to dark - venom need".

The normal life expectancy for a lord wind fluctuates relying upon the species. The Californian lord snake will frequently pass the age of 20 years, yet different species tend to normal at around 15 years of age.

There are 10 unique types of "normal lord snake" and this gathering of snakes (considered the biggest of all ruler snakes subspecies) develop to 4-6 ft long. All things considered, giving you can bear the cost of a sufficiently substantial fenced in area and have done your exploration about the necessities of this species, I would emphatically suggest this as a first snake. They are normally vigorous and make an exceptionally intriguing expansion to any family unit. They once in a while chomp as grown-ups on the off chance that they are dealt with frequently and suitably (hatchlings do nibble regularly if cornered, however quiet down with consistent taking care of - their nibbles don't hurt much), and they are effectively subdued.

Eating regimen:

Ruler snakes will feast upon different snakes, creatures of land and water, winged animals and rodents in the wild, yet do well in bondage on mice, beginning on "pinkies" (extremely modest infant mice), as hatchlings and step by step eating bigger and bigger mice. Never encourage your snake live mice - separated from being amazingly savage and pointless, the mouse may chomp your snake which can prompt medical issues (diseases can be deadly).

Coral Vs King Snake

Ball Python or "Imperial" Python

Ball pythons get their name from the way they twist themselves into a tight wad of loops with their head in the center when they feel debilitated or apprehensive. Cleopatra obviously used to wear these snakes (alive), looped around her wrists, thus why they are here and there alluded to as "Illustrious" pythons.

It might astonish you that a python is on the rundown of most effortless snakes to keep, however it's actual - they truly are awesome pets. Are their needs basic, as well as not inclined to forceful conduct and chomps are uncommon.

Lodging Your Ball Python

Exceptionally youthful ball pythons will just need a 20 gallon terrarium, yet recollect it is less expensive and additionally much better for the snake to purchase a bigger nook which you know will keep going for something other than a couple of years. A completely developed grown-up python will require a 40+ gallon tank and this should be to a great degree secure as ball pythons are famous as bosses of escape.

Substrates arrive in a scope of various styles and offer diverse advantages. You ought to never utilize wood chips or shavings as these can be eaten and cause genuine ailment or passing. Suitable sheet material for a ball python incorporates:

Cypress mulch

Daily paper


You should incorporate a water bowl or pool sufficiently vast for your snake to submerse itself in, however this should be sufficiently overwhelming that it can't be over turned or thumped over by the snake.

Your ball python will profit by being kept at a temperature of around 80 degrees in the day time with a relaxing zone of 90 degrees. This temperature should drop to around 72 or 73 degrees Fahrenheit at evening. Never utilize warm shakes - they can consume your snake.

The snake's fenced in area ought to be lit for 12 hours and made dull for 12 hours to mirror day and night. You can step by step protract the light hours to 14 daily to mirror summer months. Dampness ought to be kept in the vicinity of half and 60% yet should be expanded to 65% when your ball python hints at shedding.

Likewise with most snake species, ball pythons require almost no wiping out, however crisp water ought to be given day by day and dirtied bedding ought to be expelled and supplanted as and when it happens.

If it's not too much trouble take note of that this snake can live for a long time and the most seasoned one recorded was 48 years of age when it kicked the bucket, so choosing to get this show on the road a ball python truly is an existence duty!

Ball Python Enclosure Checklist



Fluorescent strip light with UV globule and a clock

Concealing house, empty long or empty shake

Water pool

Branches, for climbing

Safe substrate

Counterfeit plants for cover

Arch light with reptile globule

A protected, huge terrarium

An under tank radiator